Arcticmud Wiki
Arctic Content Vallenwood Forest
Latest Revision: 2021-07-19
Region: Seeker Lands
City : Solace
Created Date: 2006-07
Created By: Valoren
Revamp By:
Recommended Levels: Low (1-8)
Terk, Strathaar


Vallenwood Forest/Map

Background (view)

The vallenwood forest is one of the oldest and most renowned forests of Krynn. For many years the ancient forest was extremely thick in foliage and nearly impossible to traverse. The citizens of Solace have recently cleared much of the brush and developed a trail for visitors to experience the awesome towering giants. The massive vallenwoods reach more than two hundred feet into the sky and are covered with large white flowers in the spring. The forest floor is covered is rich, green moss and shaded by the canopy of the giant trees. The forest is teaming with wildlife, but most well known are the dozens of species of birds.

Recommended Levels (view)

Many young adventurers [1-8] scale the massive vallenwoods to get off to a quick, thrilling start. The tree system is easy to climb and wooden platforms allow adventurers to climb high into the vallenwoods. There are no real dangers present, however a recent fire has scarred a section of the forest and any charred trees left standing may be unstable. It has been rumored that an old hermit inhabits the forest, although it has never been proven.

Location (view)

The vallenwood forest entrance lies at the northeastern corner of the Solace Park.

Player Contributions[]

Solace E.Gate -
Solace S.Gate -
